October 15, 2012

Good Intentions

I had great intentions for my evening.  The plan was to come home from work, fix dinner, clean the house, and post on the blog.

But then I got sidetracked.

I was trying to do some things in Photoshop Elements for the blog and all my text was capitalized.  Caps lock was the first thing I checked and it was already off.  Next, I checked the Help section in Elements and that would be better named WASTEofTIME.  Then I checked Preferences and a couple other things to see if there was an option selected somewhere for Caps.  Nothing.

So, Google to the... what's the opposite of rescue?  I found a couple people with the same issue and their solutions did not work for me.  I tried with the text active - nope.  I tried without text active - nope.  I found tutorials that said they were for my version of Elements, but they didn't look anything like my program and nothing they said helped.  I reset my text tools.  Nada.  I came thisclose to uninstalling the whole program.

And then I tried one of the suggestions for the 4th time and it worked!  I still have no idea what was wrong or why it's better now.  And I haven't found a character palette that many people online said I should have.

Also, I didn't make dinner or clean the house.

1 comment:

  1. Oh jeez. Gotta love computers. Glad you got it working though. Can't wait to see what you were creating :)


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