I don't remember being taught to show thanks, but I was. My family was not well off when I was young and there were many kind and compassionate people that helped us along. Some were family, some were friends, some were anonymous. We were far from destitute, but there were times that we did need help.
The time I remember most was the holiday season just after my dad had heart surgery and started dialysis. He was not able to work and things were not great financially. I was already an adult at that point and I was not living at home, but so many people were wonderful to my parents and my younger brother. One neighbor hung lights on their house. Another offered to watch their dog. Anonymous people dropped by with food, money, gifts, etc. It was amazing to see so many people willing and eager to help someone in need.
Life is good.
(easiest Thanksgiving sign ever -- hot glue letters to the sign, paint or stain, and enjoy)
Wow! This is great :)