November 21, 2012

Be Grateful

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  My family gathers and enjoys simple, reflective time with one another.  Life is busy and hectic and there are too few days where the main point/tradition is to sit down, shut up, and just appreciate all that you have.  The food is good, too.

I don't remember being taught to show thanks, but I was.  My family was not well off when I was young and there were many kind and compassionate people that helped us along.  Some were family, some were friends, some were anonymous.  We were far from destitute, but there were times that we did need help.

The time I remember most was the holiday season just after my dad had heart surgery and started dialysis. He was not able to work and things were not great financially.  I was already an adult at that point and I was not living at home, but so many people were wonderful to my parents and my younger brother.  One neighbor hung lights on their house.  Another offered to watch their dog.  Anonymous people dropped by with food, money, gifts, etc.  It was amazing to see so many people willing and eager to help someone in need.

I have much to be grateful for.  I have good health. A great job.  A loving and supportive family.  Trusted friends.  A relationship with God.  Talents.  This year has brought some changes with it.  My brother and sister-in-law had a surprise addition to their family. I had a promotion at work. Two, actually.  We bought a new car. And we can see the light at the end of our debt-tunnel.  I have been blessed, challenged, trusted, and loved.

Life is good.

(easiest Thanksgiving sign ever -- hot glue letters to the sign, paint or stain, and enjoy)

November 3, 2012


Last Summer, my friend announced that she was expecting her second child.  Happy news!  I had previously bought some fabric and I knew it would be perfect for her -- if she had a baby girl. As soon as she found out she was having a girl, I got to work on her quilt.   

I originally saw this quilt and knew I had to make it... but I was feeling cheap and didn't want to pay for a pattern -- sometimes I'm cheap over the weirdest things.  Anyway, as I sat admiring the quilt, the construction seemed clear.  It was a Drunkard's Path variation.  Bonus, we had just finished the Only Nine quilt and I could use part of those templates for this quilt.  One area where I am not cheap; tools.  I think a good quality, versatile template is worth every penny. That said, I don't buy templates for squares and things like that I can do with my rotary cutter and ruler. Mine has wider points than the pattern I didn't buy, but that could be easily changed.  I happen to like it just fine this way. 
The fabrics are mostly a Michael Miller line sold at Joann Fabrics. There are some other fabrics thrown in there as well.  The back is the large multi-colored floral and the binding is the teal polka dots.  

Meanwhile, two of my other closest friends suddenly announced that they were also adding to their families -- all baby GIRLS!  One was adopting and the baby was expected before any of the others, so this quilt went on the back burner while I made a quilt for her. Eventually, I finished this one.  Yes, the baby was already here at that point, but that's okay with me.  She loves it anyway :)

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